"LuniSolar Guide to Sacred Jewish Time" [5784]
silk screen print on recycled paper, 18 x 19 in.
direct (plant) exposure silk screen print [2012]

"divine oroboros"
woodblock print on bandana, 18 x18 in.

"oroboros" tapestry [2017] woodblock print on muslin,
dried cayenne garland, cow horns. print 3 x 3 ft
chanukka cards / dreidle gambling boards
linocut, 3 x 4 in.

"calendula" [2017] graphite pencil on paper, 4 x 3 in.

L'shem Kedushat Retreat Event Flier [2024]
watercolor and gold leaf, 10 x 14 in.
Egalitarian ketubah commission for beloved friends [2023] English, Hebrew and Armenian calligraphy,
watercolor and pen on paper

mixed media & digital

Germantown School K-12 Garden Club logo [2023]

"keeping time in lockdown" [2020]
found objects, 30 x 18 in.

Event flier for "Now! That's What I Call Hallel, 5784"
"luffa love crud scrub altar" [2021]
home grown luffas + chamomile, jute rope, wood hook,
watercolor luffa power how-to-use tags